The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority launched a group-wide project last year to encourage its staff to talk openly about mental health in the workplace and grow their understanding how to ask for and gain access to help as and when it is needed.
The NDA placed an increased emphasis on mental health in 2019 and acted upon its ambition to improve the wellbeing of its team members with this project.
First and foremost, a delivery group was formed in order to share best practice and resources with colleagues, after which each business within the NDA committed to meeting the standards set out in the Thriving at Work report published by the government back in 2017.
As part of the case study report, it was noted that NDA leadership played a critical role in embedding mental health awareness within each of the businesses and that the approach was proving a success.
"Early signs are showing that the focus on mental health is starting to pay off," it read.
"A recent survey carried out across the NDA group showed a 30 per cent increase in people who responded and agreed that mental health is openly discussed in the workplace, compared to two years ago. The survey also showed that 91 per cent of respondents know how to access support if they need it. Marking the success of the project so far was a major highlight of our first ever NDA group Safety and Wellbeing Awards in 2019."
WoWW! is an organisation dedicated to inspiring workplaces to increase their focus on wellbeing and have been at the forefront in creating practical tools and solutions that work for businesses.
One example is the NETT score that WoWW! developed, the first benchmark to be used in the UK that tracks employee wellbeing across a series of factors.
Built in collaboration with YouGov, NETT provides a quantitative score for each business, while also collecting qualitative statements against which a firm's practice can be amended.
In addition, WoWW! is able to run workshops at a business' office, or via Zoom, that explore the "5 ways to wellbeing".
These workshops introduce the key concepts that make up the "5 ways to wellbeing", while also applying these concepts to real life financial and personal wellbeing.
"Our flagship programme is the WoWW! money programme as we realise that this is such a vital area to address for all employees," the WoWW! website says of its main workshop.
"We strongly believe that overall wellbeing is the key to sustained financial health and not the other way round. This programme will cover the 5 ways to wellbeing, the role of relationships in finance, and the key concepts of behavioural finance. Employees will all have the framework to produce their own holistic financial plan following the 7 colours of money."