Paul Bowley: Transforming Lives with Abbeycare Group

Published by Gary Ellis on July 26th 2024, 7:07am

For Paul Bowley, CEO of Abbeycare Group, perseverance, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth are core aspects of his career journey.

Reflecting on his early years, Paul candidly shares, "My school life was interesting because I was in the top set for everything, but focus was a big problem for me." This struggle with focus, as it turned out, was due to undiagnosed ADHD, a revelation that came just a few months ago.

But it was a heartfelt conversation with his grandfather that truly set him on his path. Sitting on a park bench, his grandfather impressed upon him the importance of education for a successful career. This support, rather than judgement, galvanised Paul to work harder, resulting in him passing all his GCSEs and subsequently excelling in his National and Higher National Diplomas.

Paul’s first significant career opportunity arose through a recommendation from his college tutor, leading to a six-month contract. His initial encounter with leadership came here, where a major mistake on a project taught him the value of owning up to errors and the importance of supportive leadership. "I think this was possibly my first encounter with a good leader and the importance of learning from positive qualities in others," he notes. The fact that he owned up to the mistake immediately was a part of the reason his temporary contract was made permanent.

Paul then moved on to work with David Jones, a role that spanned nearly a decade. By 2014, as Jones began to semi-retire, Paul entered a period of transition that led to his involvement with Abbeycare Group.

Appointed as Managing Director in October 2015, he was tasked with turning around a company burdened with substantial debts and operational challenges. "We had to just roll our sleeves up," he says of those early, arduous days. Through sheer determination and a collaborative team effort, he led the company from the brink of collapse to a stable, thriving enterprise.

Paul’s ability to be such a leader stems from his ability to use his extensive and varied past experiences. Learning to effectively communicate with high-level individuals was a crucial lesson he took from this early period. "You have to take a pragmatic approach with things now and again," Paul asserts. This pragmatism was particularly needed during a major relocation in 2021 when Abbeycare moved from North Lanarkshire to Renfrewshire within a tight nine-week deadline.

Paul recalls the daunting challenge, but his approach was methodical and organised. “I reminded people that there will be certain things that are out of our control. If they're out of our control, there's nothing we can do about that. But what we can do is make sure that everything in our control is done."

By instilling this mindset in his team, Paul ensured that the relocation was a success. He emphasises the importance of calmness and clarity during high-pressure situations, a lesson drawn from his past professional encounters. "You've got to pass that mindset on. If something doesn't happen and it's not down to us, there's nothing we can do about it. Let's get all the things we can do done, and hopefully everything else will fall into place."

Transforming Lives Through Rehabilitation

Abbeycare Group, one of the longest established addiction treatment companies in the UK, is set to celebrate its 20th anniversary this October. Under the leadership of CEO Paul, Abbeycare has grown into a significant provider in the field of addiction treatment, employing around 100 staff and assisting over 500 individuals each year to begin their recovery journey.

The organisation prides itself on delivering an exceptional evidence-based addiction treatment programme within a private, confidential, and safe environment. Paul underscores the importance of their approach: "We provide a chance for people to heal and recover."

The impact of Abbeycare's approach is vividly illustrated through the stories of its clients. Paul shares the transformative journey of Emma, a former client whose life was on the brink of collapse. "But after coming to Abbeycare, she's now 16 months sober, has her children back, and volunteers for us," Bowley recounts.

Abbeycare's success is built not only on its structured programs but also on the deep empathy and understanding of its staff. The team collectively holds 700 years of lived experience, with many members having walked the same paths as their clients. One compelling example of this is a staff member who, after completing Abbeycare's program, has returned to work in a senior position within the business. "It has gone full circle for him," Paul states, highlighting the powerful cycle of recovery and giving back that Abbeycare fosters.

Paul's Call to Action

Paul is passionate about making rehabilitation more accessible to those in need. As he sees it, increasing accessibility to rehab services is crucial for addressing the ongoing addiction crisis, particularly in Scotland, where addiction is a key issue.

"In January 2021, the Scottish Government pledged £250m to improve and increase services for those affected by drug addiction," Bowley notes. This funding, set for a five-year term, aims to combat the high rates of drug-related deaths and provide much-needed support for addiction treatment. However, Bowley believes that more needs to be done. "We need to have more funding available and give more people access to treatment," he asserts.

Paul’s call to action for policymakers is clear: ensure that rehab services are sufficiently funded and accessible to everyone who needs them, which, as Paul points out, ensures the effectiveness of programs. The existing funding, while significant, is not enough to meet the growing demand for addiction treatment. By allocating more resources to rehab services, policymakers can help save lives and give individuals the opportunity to recover and reintegrate into society.

The need for increased funding and accessibility is not just about immediate treatment but also about long-term recovery and societal reintegration. "It's important to remember that harm reduction and stabilisation services play a vital role in keeping people safe, but for many people that should be seen as the foundation for long-term abstinence based recovery,” Paul explains.

Reflecting on Paul’s Legacy

As Paul looks on his journey with Abbeycare, his thoughts on legacy are both humble and profound. He candidly shares that envisioning his current role was never part of his plan.

One of the most rewarding aspects of his journey is witnessing the transformations that take place at Abbeycare. "I can go to work and watch people turning their lives around in front of my eyes," he shares.

But Paul is quick to acknowledge that the critical work is done by his dedicated team. "I don't do the important work that gets done by my team," he says modestly, "but I make sure they've got everything they need to allow them to work to the best of their ability."

September, designated as International Recovery Month, is a particularly special time for Bowley and Abbeycare. "We have two recovery gatherings which will be attended by between five and six hundred people, and they’re our former clients," Paul explains. These gatherings are filled with moments of joy and celebration, where former clients, now in recovery, reunite with the staff and each other. As Paul puts it, “these are by far the best days of the year because it validates the exceptional work my team does on a daily basis.”

Reflecting on his legacy, Bowley is both proud and grateful. The institution he firstly saved and then helped build is not just a centre for treatment but a personification of hope and transformation. While Paul did not foresee himself in this role, his impact on the lives of those struggling with addiction is immeasurable.

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Authored By

Gary Ellis
Senior Editor
July 26th 2024, 7:07am

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