Sam Glover: An Unconventional Journey to the Top

Published by Gary Ellis on May 22nd 2024, 10:08am

“At 16, I couldn’t wait to get out of school,” begins Sam Glover, the dynamic Chief Executive Officer of Healthwatch Essex, as she reflects on her unconventional path to leadership. 

She recounts, “I just took the first job that would come my way.” It was this pragmatic approach that landed her a position in a private medical practice in London, igniting a passion for medicine that would shape her career.

But it wasn’t the learning that Sam disliked. This distinction propelled her through an impressive educational journey, from nursing training funded by Training for Tomorrow to an honours degree with the Open University.

Her career trajectory is marked by a series of bold moves and serendipitous opportunities. From running an oral surgery unit to pursuing a master’s degree in medicine and healthcare education at Anglia Ruskin University, Glover’s appetite for knowledge and advancement never waned. “I became quite an overqualified nurse,” she admits with a chuckle.

It was her voluntary work that eventually led to her being headhunted by Public Health England, a role that saw her travelling across the UK and shaping national policy. Yet, it was during the tumultuous times of COVID-19 that Glover’s resolve truly shone through. Frustrated with being unable to utilise her skills to their fullest, she leveraged her extensive experience and deep belief in the mission of Healthwatch Essex to ascend to the role of Chief Executive Officer.

“I was a bit of an enigma,” she says, “but I was determined to make it work.” And make it work she did, bringing a fresh perspective and a voice for the underrepresented to the forefront of health and social care.

Challenges and Triumphs: Sam Glover’s Leadership at Healthwatch Essex

Sam faced a unique set of challenges as she stepped into her role. “I knew that the standard operating procedures were not what we wanted,” she states, emphasising her refusal to confine her team to a pre-existing format. Instead, Glover chose to start from scratch, crafting every policy, strategy document, and communications plan to align with the ethos of Healthwatch Essex.

Glover’s determination to personalise the organisation’s approach was met with scepticism and underestimation, often due to her age. This doubt extended to her identity, as she often had to correct assumptions that she was the assistant to the male CEO named Sam, rather than the CEO herself. “I always felt like I had to overly prove myself,” Glover admits.

However, Glover’s resolve only grew stronger in the face of these challenges. “It gave me a drive that meant I could work 18 hours a day,” she says, her commitment to Healthwatch Essex unwavering. Her proactive approach to learning and collaboration played a significant role in her success, as she sought the wisdom of mentors and role models, including Amy Wolfe, who generously shared her knowledge and experience.

Glover’s journey is also marked by her continuous pursuit of education, as she is currently studying for an MBA and has completed her public health registration. She draws a clear distinction between school and learning, advising young people that “school is just teaching you how to learn.” Her own experiences with ADHD and dyslexia, once unnoticed due to her average academic performance, became a source of strength once she embraced them. “It’s my superpower,” she declares, explaining how understanding her neurodiversity has allowed her to excel.

In her leadership, Glover extends her empathy and understanding to her staff, particularly those who are also neurodiverse. She takes the time to understand their needs and make reasonable adjustments, ensuring that each individual can thrive. “It’s just about creating an environment where they can be the best version of themselves,” she explains, highlighting the importance of recognising and harnessing the unique abilities of each team member.

Vision and Responsibility: The Hallmarks of Sam Glover’s Leadership

For Sam, a successful leader must not only inspire but also provide clear direction. Her leadership style is inclusive and dynamic, particularly evident in her approach to managing a diverse team. She has fostered a psychologically safe space where ideas can flourish, especially among the younger members of her team. “They will come at me with millions of ideas,” Glover says, highlighting the importance of creating an environment where creativity is encouraged and valued.

Glover’s ability to balance inspiration with practicality extends to her senior management team, where she inspires them towards a shared vision. She emphasises the significance of being both a source of inspiration and a decisive figure who takes responsibility for the outcomes of her decisions. “Ultimately at the end of the day, I will make a decision and I will bear the responsibility of that decision,” she states, underlining the accountability that comes with leadership.

Collaboration is a cornerstone of Glover’s philosophy, as she believes in the collective effort to find “that piece of gold.” She champions the idea that “teamwork makes the dream work,” a sentiment that reflects her commitment to shared goals and mutual support within her organisation.

Beyond her strategic decisions, Glover is dedicated to cultivating a positive organisational culture. She has implemented a ‘lessons learned’ approach to projects, creating a non-judgmental space for reflection and growth. “It’s OK to air your view in that space,” she encourages, fostering an atmosphere where constructive feedback is welcomed and acted upon.

Sam’s inclusive leadership has also made a profound impact on her staff, allowing them to bring their whole selves to work. She shares a poignant moment when an employee felt comfortable enough to disclose her sexual orientation for the first time in a workplace setting. This level of acceptance and support is a testament to the culture Glover has built at Healthwatch Essex—a culture where diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated.

Legacy of Lifelong Learning and Empowerment

When it comes to her legacy, Sam already has one in the making. Her approach is deeply humanistic, focusing on the potential within each individual. She takes immense joy in seeing her team members find their direction and succeed, even if it means they outgrow their roles at Healthwatch Essex.

Her pride is evident when discussing the accomplishments of her staff, such as the digital media apprentice who became an F1 reporter and the engagement office manager who now runs his own Arsenal Football Club podcast. “I can’t compete with that and I have no intention of doing so,” Glover admits with a smile. It’s clear that for her, these achievements are not a loss but a reflection of her success as a mentor.

Glover’s vision for her legacy is not limited to professional development; it encompasses a culture of continuous learning and mutual assistance. “You never know everything,” she states, a reminder that knowledge and wisdom are not finite resources but ongoing pursuits. She encourages seeking advice and learning from others, regardless of their background or expertise. “People are more than happy to provide the information to help you,” an attitude she herself replicates.

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Authored By

Gary Ellis
Senior Editor
May 22nd 2024, 10:08am

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