Medical Engineering Technologies [MET] has been acquired by contract testing laboratory firm, Wickham Micro.
Established by Mark Turner in 1997, MET is a laboratory service which serves to test the safety and performance of medical devices. Meanwhile, Wickham Micro has provided expert microbiology and in-vitro toxicology services to the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors for almost 60 years.
Through their newfound partnership, both businesses will be able to offer a much wider array of services as one unit which will meet the demands of clients and regulators across the globe.
Turner, formerly managing director of MET, now assumes a new role as director of Medical Devices in the newly formed group, while the business will be led by CEO, Mark Hammond.
Turner commented: “Together our teams will work with global brands to deliver comprehensive medical device testing services, facilitating safe access to critical medicines and devices that are needed across the world. We will continue to invest in our team and our services so that we are better able to support clients and their projects.
“This is an exciting time for our business, and we want to reassure our clients that our business will continue to operate as normal. This means key points of contact will remain the same and projects will continue as planned.”
Image by Ousa Chea on Unsplash