Business Declares and Wholegrain Digital have collaborated to release an open-source toolkit to help organisations identify, measure and reduce their digital carbon footprint. Technology has an ever-increasing role to play in everyone’s daily lives and with that comes increasing environmental impact from data storage and processing to the manufacture and disposal of physical products.
The toolkit is designed to give people a clear understanding of what a digital footprint is, showing how to avoid wasting energy and wasting money. To lower an organisations carbon footprint over the long term there is a need to bring in strategies and embed digital sustainability into business operations.
The toolkit explores how to understand, measure and reduce your digital carbon footprint in various areas including IT hardware, websites, cloud storage, apps and digital marketing. To find out more about the toolkit go to:
Business Declares is a not for profit that helps organisations take positive steps to address their environmental footprint. The organisation aims to raise awareness across the business sector of the need to accelerate action to address climate change, biodiversity loss and social injustice.
Wholegrain Digital are a design agency that strive to use their expertise as a driver for sustainable projects, positive businesses and chharities. Founded in 2007 they were the first London based WordPress agency and now partner with some of the world’s largest organisations putting climate change at their heart including UNICEF, Oxfam & Ecover.
Photo by Mert Guller on Unsplash